
1,872 Art Reviews

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You should be, this is amazing and you really outdid yourself this looks incredible. You're really talented, do keep it up and hope you have a good day

I just wanted to take a second to say that your art is really talented and amazing, this is beautiful and it looks incredible. Do keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

It's incredible and it really has the original 80's aesthetic to it, do keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

prismvisual responds:

Thank you!

You've always got such nice art and it's always a pleasure to see these, do keep up the good and I hope you have a great day

I'm excited to see what will come next for the series and seriously this is beyond incredible and your art is amazing, do keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

Diadantist responds:

I'm really hyped for Prime 4! I hope it's closer than what we think. I'm sure all this wait will be worthwile! And thank you so much, that means a lot. Have a nice day too!

I can relate especially at parties cuz I just try to find an empty chair and be on my phone. But seriously great work on this it came out really well

Impressive how you got her dress and a witches' outfit to mix and amazing job as always, your art is beautiful and I hope you have a great day

Pinkisch responds:

Thank you very much <3

Respect and hope it's going well, unfortunately I myself strained a muscle so I gotta rest for a bit. And always cool to see your characters in different outfits, they look great and keep it up

Looks amazing and I love it, can actually fit for portraits in the series. And great work it came out great and your art is really talented, do keep it up

Rotzedust responds:

Thanks! this was part of a big commission request, but i want to try drawing other Shantae characters soon! ^^

I'd say yeah, and this looks amazing and it's beautiful, the colors in this are great, Keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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