
1,872 Art Reviews

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This looks great and is bringing back some shocking first time memories of this game, and amazing work your art is incredible. Keep it up and hope you have a good day

Awesome looking characters and great work on this

You truly did such an amazing job one each of these and they look incredible, nice work and hope you have a great day

I love it, and if the series has taken a different approach to ending screens this is definitely something speedrunners aim for. Anyway amazing job and hope you have a great day

Just wanted to say this looks beautiful and it came out really well, keep up the great work

I slipped and fell and she's just been staring at me this whole time. Ok but seriously you did an awesome job on this and it looks great, hope she may see this

Kinocco responds:

One of these days! I hope so!

She looks great and I like her design, it's always a pleasure to see such nice OCs here. Your work is incredible, keep it up and hope you have a good day

CraftyFeathers responds:

thanks so much, that means so much

Looks awesome and I can see this reaching front page, and I'm pretty excited too. I wonder what will be added. Keep it up and hope you have a good one

Looks amazing and you did an incredible job on it, and I really like the colors in this. Keep up the great work and hope you have a good day

Looks great and I can respect that, hope she'll be able to see this and it's great to see your works again. Keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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