
1,872 Art Reviews

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Got to admit this looks great and she has a nice design, keep up the good job

Beyond beautiful in both illustration and animation wise and it's always incredible to see your works, keep it up and I hope you have a great day

CuteNikeChan responds:

you're so sweet, thank you!! <3

Great sense of fashion and I love it, and it's good to see your works again they're always a pleasure and it looks amazing. I hope you're doing well and do keep up the good work Susie, hope you have a good day (and apologies since I forgot to ask last time, will it be ok to post that drawing I did awhile ago? :o)

She still hasn't brought the Diet Dr. Kelp I see and good because I was gonna pay in either card or a bunch of coins. But seriously great work on this and I really like the art style, keep it up and hope you have a good day

(Also just to ask since you seem pretty cool and I like her design: would it be alright if I drew a fanart of Trixie?)

This is really impressive and I really like the background and lighting, your art is really beautiful and quite talented, keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

Pinkisch responds:

Thank you!

Just wanted to say this looks really good and it came out great, hope you have a good day

LowellWolfe responds:

Thank you so much! I hope you have a great day as well ^^

Incredible design and looks great, nice job

This looks really nice and is a pleasure to see such nice pixel art, nice work

Facts and amazing work on this, she looks great and it's always nice to see art of her. Keep up the good work

Incredible designs and looks great, keep up the good work

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


Joined on 11/28/20

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