
1,872 Art Reviews

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Just wanted to say this looks great and I really like the colors in this, keep up the good work

I'd imagine seeing her at the pool with an ice cream truck parked by. But seriously amazing job and you have such amazing art, do keep up the good work

ParasiticTongue responds:

Thank you! I really appreciate that. It was tough getting to where I am in art, but I'll keep making things and trying to improve.

These look amazing and really impressive, nice job and keep it up

MetaruPX responds:

Thank you!

Whenever I go to a Starbucks I always have someone in front of me pretty much reciting some Shakespeare to describe their order. But seriously amazing job and I wanted to say congratulations on 100K :o, I always knew you'd make it and we're all proud of you, I'm looking forward to seeing more to come. Do take care and I hope you have a great day

It's been a long time since I've seen Mysims, and I got to admit this looks great and you have a really nice style, keep up the good work

hellseur responds:

It's nice to see others that remember it tbh, Thank u !! ^_^

Not gonna lie this is really beautiful and it came out great, nice job

Loyuita responds:

Thank you! It means a lot to hear that.

It's nice to see your art again and nice to see art of her in this form, and amazing work as always you've done an incredible job. Hope you have a great day

Hanshyn responds:

Thank you so much Auarom, I'm so glad you like! Have a nice day too n w n

She seems cool and I like her design, your art is really good. Do keep it up and hope you have a great day

NecroPaint responds:

Thank you so much! <3

I'm hoping they'll return the dancing mini-game in the next game and amazing work this looks great and you're really talented, do keep it up and hope you have a good day

Something about drawings in a real world background is always a pleasure to see for me, nice job and keep up the good work

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


Joined on 11/28/20

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