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I know, this is awful; you're wet now, we don't have any towels and I don't know how to slay a pumpkin :O. But really, I did want to say this is coming along greatly and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next, seeing your work here is always a treat. And I know I'm kinda early for it, but just in case I did want to say Happy Halloween Susie and may you enjoy this spooky holiday. Do take care and I hope you have an amazing day :D

Just wanted to take a second to say this looks amazing and has an incredible design, keep up the great work and hope you have a nice day

She seems pretty great and and I love her design and outfit, amazing work and I hope you have a great day

marrii1n responds:

thank you so much!!

Spooky greetings and just wanna say amazing work, you did an amazing job on this it came out great.

Yeah it would be quite a shame if it did happen, you'd get soaked and could mess up your nice outfit. But in all seriousness it's a real treat seeing a gif from you, it's always a pleasure to see when you post and I love the witch outfit it looks incredible and I really like the necklace :P I'm looking forward to seeing more, keep up the great work and I hope you have an amazing day Susie :D

This came out amazing and you did great, nice work and hope she may see this piece

WhiteMoonfield responds:

Oh thank you!!!

When having a bad day it's always nice to see something like this, keep up the great work and I hope you have a great day

You did an amazing job and this would make for a great home decor. Keep up the good work

Jarrodjvandenberg responds:

Thank you so much! I really appreciate that.

I volunteer, I can only imagine how heavy it'd be having to carry that much honey around and I wish to help. But I did want to say this is amazing, from the background to Bee Susie look very beautiful and you did a great job. It's always nice to see your work after a long day, do keep it up and I hope you're doing well and have a great day Susie :P

I love the style to this and you really did an incredible job on this

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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