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I found this out a while ago but apparently if you see a wild Kirlia and you spin near it she'll do the same and seriously amazing job, I'm sure she'll be an amazing dancer

Brandobotic responds:

this is one of the things I love about drawing all the pokemon. I get to learn new things about everyone's favorite pokemon :)

Always a pleasure to see the Captain and just wanted to say amazing work on this it came out great

Sorabluesky responds:


Not gonna lie I've been rewatching Invader Zim lately, dunno what it is but it's the perfect example of early 2000s vibe. And amazing work, this came out great and I like the design

I'm pretty excited too and you have incredible taste, this series is incredible and I can't wait to see it when released. And amazing work as usual, this is beautiful to say the least

Hey there Susie, if you see this I just wanted to say you've done an incredible job and in all honesty you've been working really hard and we're all proud of you, you're an amazing artist and it's always a pleasure to come here and see your stuff. Do keep it up and I hope you're doing well, I hope you have a great day :>

I hope that one day she'll find the same happiness as before and she looks amazing when she was younger. And seriously you deserve it man, you're a really great and cool guy in all honesty. Do keep up your great work and hope you have a nice day

MelloCaps responds:

Aw thank you a ton dude, your constant love and support for my work means the world!! And fret not sheโ€™ll learn to feel again :)

Hope you have yourself a lovely day too and thank you once more for it all :>

I am very sorry for this happening and I truly do hope that everything will be ok, I wish I could do more to help than leave this little comment but hope it could shed a little light in these times. Your art is very beautiful and you're really talented, I hope that things will get better soon

UsagiDraw responds:

I really appreciate your comment, especially since I'm mentally very confused and I'm still processing this. I really value it a lot, thank you very much, and yes, I hope everything gets better soon!

I just wanted to take a moment to say that this looks great and I agree it is a really nice design, your art is incredible (plus cheese names are pretty cool) keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

feeuwu responds:

omg i just saw your comment, that's so sweet, tysm for taking the time to stop by !!! (cheese rocks)

I just wanted to say this is amazing and it came out incredible, your art is amazing to say the least. Keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

Twistybunnygirl responds:

Awww thank you so much! That makes me really happy!

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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