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I am both confused and intrigued as to what is happening, this is amazing and great work on this

Not gonna lie this is awesome and I really like her design, keep up the good work

I can't help but think the guy in question is breakdancing as they're saying this. Anyway nice job and it came out really great

Well guess it's time to confess but it's pretty obvious that I've been really good... at being a naughty bee this year, do forgive me. Ok but seriously I love the outfit and it really is incredible, I really like the stockings and headband design :o I say it often but you are very talented Susie and seeing you and your works is an amazing gift itself. Do take care and I wish you an amazing day

Nice, one of the downsides to getting Sword is not getting fight her which is a real shame. And it's great to see more of your works, do keep it up and hope you have a great day

Oh cool looks like Flora made a new friend, but I have a feeling he's gonna scream if you try to take him off. And for real it's awesome to more of your art man and you always do such an incredible job on all of them, I enjoy seeing how your world is growing more and more. Do keep it up and hope you have a great day

MelloCaps responds:

Ah thank you so so very much! I’ve been away writing a lot of the world/lore actually so we will get to see so much more relatively soon haha. Things are gonna be great. I hope for you things have been going great and that life has treated you well. MERRY CHRISTMAS and thank you for your constant support :>

Ya know what, this is a really good combination and it came out great, nice job and hope she'll get to see this

I think you did a great job capturing her personality and seriously this is incredible, you did a really good job and you're very talented. And I hope your journey to freelance goes well. do keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

Umaiibo responds:

Aw man thank you so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate your support! I hope you also have an amazing day as well! (⌒▽⌒)

You're not wrong she looks amazing, and just wanted to say great job your art is really good

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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