
1,872 Art Reviews

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Just wanted to say I love her design and you got a nice art style, keep up the good work

Loved the new episode and it's incredible to see this bizarre world of Ena, only downside was there was no food to the potluck. And amazing work this is amazing and I can see this reaching front page

Wow, one for the popcorn and other to say that this is beautiful and you did an amazing job, keep up the great work

RileyAV responds:

😭 thank you so much!!

It's great to see art of Endacopia and I'm looking forward to seeing more of the game, and amazing job this is great

How heinous, I was gonna spray paint that wall. And seriously amazing job Susie, when I first saw Wapeach I just knew the fanarts were gonna come rolling in and yours is by far the best. In all honesty your work is beyond incredible and it's always nice to see you here :>. With that said I hope you're doing well and I wish you a great day

SusieHatter responds:

Awwwww you are so lovely! Thank you very much

Not gonna lie you did an incredible job on this and it came out amazing, keep it up and hope you have a nice day

GothicSkies responds:

Thank you so much! And you too!

I really like the design and it came out great, you did an incredible job. Keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

aivii13 responds:

that means so much, thank you! and I hope that you also have a good day! ;v;

Not gonna lie these are all really good and I think the 3rd one is great, and just wanted to take a second to say your art is amazing and you're really talented, these are beautiful. Do keep it up and hope you have a nice day

SubjectSketch responds:

Thank you for saying so, that means alot :)
I hope you have a good day aswell.

Apologies for the late comment, just wanted to say this looks great and of all her hair colors I enjoy this one the most. Keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

She's annoyed you haven't chosen her route yet, but seriously this looks great and you're really talented. Do keep it up and hope you have a nice day

quirkyusernaame responds:

thanks bro

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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