
1,872 Art Reviews

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Oh nice and good on her, and amazing job on this it looks incredible

shadowlord803 responds:

Thank You very much, i worked very hard on this character!

Nice and I really like their designs, keep up the good work

derpits responds:

thank ye so much!

Looks really cool not gonna lie, keep it up and hope you have a good day

She is definitely something, and just wanted to say that this looks amazing and it's really beautiful

Perhaps... why what about you? But I would like to say that this looks incredible and I love how it came out, you really nailed the effects. Also today is actually my birthday so seeing this was quite the gift, I always enjoy your work Susie you've always done such an incredible job and more than that I'm always glad to hear from you :>. You're an amazing and kind person and I'll do my best to continue supporting you here, with that said I hope that you're doing well and you have a good day :D

SusieHatter responds:

Awww thank you so much you are always so nice to my work. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have an awesome day!

I love it and it came out incredible, I really like the design too. Do keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

She seems fun and whales are pretty cool, anyway amazing work and hope you have a good day

Interesting and I'm sure it will be possible one day, and love the design it looks really cool

0rion5212 responds:

Thanks Auarom, I appreciate it.

Nice and I really like how this came out, has a really chill vibe to it

Your work is awesome and these look incredible, keep it up

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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