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It's nice to do yoga every now and than, just make sure to stretch afterwards. And I just wanted to say that this is very beautiful and I can tell how much effort you've put in this, the lighting and posing is incredible. And I really like the outfit, it looks really good on her. I hope that you're doing well Susie and I always enjoy getting to see these beautiful works, do take care and hope you have a great day :D

Looks really good and they all came out great, keep up the good work

I always did wonder: if meat goes into the meet buns and that the citizens are all animals, are they aware they could be eating another citizen when they eat meat? Well anyway amazing work on this

Hansungkee responds:

Alcedor : We Never Eat that citizens ever Again...
Cervul : ...
Cervul : Hard to Say it my Lord.

It's still impressive and looks amazing, plus I always did wonder what it would have looked like when she copies other abilities

SounDoG-2031 responds:

Thanks! Glad it has stood the test of time.
If you're interested in seeing more what-if spoofs of a Gardevoir using Trace, I'd recommend you check out RicoFurlow's ''Tracey Traces''. He did a lot, and I mean A LOT of pages about this single gimmick and they're all funny as fuck.

It's been a long time, hope that you're doing well and it's good to see you again. Amazing work as always

Nice and this is really beautiful, this looks amazing. Do keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

Daysdove responds:

Thank you. It means a lot :3

Looks really good and it's an amazing pixel art, keep up the great work

It's a pleasant sight to see when Nia isn't being traumatized or getting attacked, she seems pretty chill actually. Well with that aside, amazing work and I do like this outfit with her, it looks amazing and she pulls it off. Keep up the good work

JustAPlagueDoctor responds:

Hey thanks lol, and honestly I second that, Nia deserves a break lol.

In all honesty, I really like her character and I do hope to see more of her in the series. Anyway amazing job on this, your art is incredible

It's really beautiful and you did an incredible job, do keep up the good work

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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