
1,872 Art Reviews

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Looks incredible and I really like the colors, hope she'll see it. Keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

Good call and just wanted to say this looks amazing and your art is incredible, keep it up and hope you have a good day

QuiteSplendid responds:

thanks a lot!

Nice and it came out great, and just wanted to say I like your art style it's really cool

JuBOJan responds:


Just wanted to take a second to say that this is an amazing design and it looks really beautiful, keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

Dino Nuggets if possible? But for real this looks great and you did an incredible job on this, keep it up

ITZmarz responds:

D'aaww thanks!!:D

Looks pretty cool and it came out great, nice job

Just wanted to say that I love the design and I really like how this came out, truly incredible work

TheShammah responds:

cheers, my friend

I'd agree as to why, also out of curiosity: what are your thoughts on the bee based weapon? And amazing work as always, it looks beautiful and I really like the 3D effect, it's always a pleasure to see your work Susie you always do a great job :). Congratulations on 100+ followers here on NG by the way, I always knew it would happen. We're all proud of you and we'll enjoy to continue supporting you here. With that said, I hope that you're, do take care and I hope that you have a great day :D

Looks pretty good, and just wanted to say your art is incredible and I like the style, keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

ostav responds:

thanks a lot!! thanks to comments like this, I find the energy to create more in myself

I love the design and it looks great, I will miss her fluffy hairstyle but this one looks great. And it's good to see you man, I hope you're doing well. And it's always great to see this blue colored lady, she's awesome. Anyway do take care and hope you have a good day man

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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