
1,872 Art Reviews

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Looks great and nice job, this is a pretty nice design. Keep up the good work and hope you have a great day

These are pretty good though and I like the expressions, nice job and hope you have a good day

BlueEspresso responds:

thank you!! °^° I hope you have a good day aswell! :>

Just wanted to take a second to say this looks amazing and I really like your style, you did an incredible job. Keep it up and hope you have a nice day

MakaVP responds:

Thank you so much. These things make my day.

Darn right and in my opinion she was the best in the series, and seriously amazing job on this it looks incredible and hope you have a good day

Looks nice and cool style, hope your friend likes it

MOT7 responds:

Thank you!, and yes he loved it :D

It's been a while since I've last seen Sally Face, amazing work on this it looks incredible

marcyrott responds:

thank you!! glad i brought him back for you

Just wanted to say she looks great and this is a really nice style for her, nice job and hope you have a great day

AshtonHaz responds:

Thank u so much ^_^ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Been some time since I've last seen your work, and great work on this it looks amazing. And nice job on the improvements, keep it up and hope you have a nice day

HeyPixel responds:

Yeah, I hope keeping on improvements, I'm glad that you liked it! It was really fun to work! <3

This is one amazing gift I must say and happy birthday, this looks incredible and hope you have a nice day

Just wanted to say you did an incredible job, this looks beautiful and I hope she may see this. Do keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

lulu-catnp responds:

Thank you!! This kind message made my day

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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