
1,872 Art Reviews

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Greetings, I would like to say this looks amazing and it's a very beautiful design, amazing job

This is very kind and generous, I'm sure anyone who sees this will appreciate it. Anyway I would like to say this came out really well and you make amazing works, keep up the good job

So I would like to take a moment to say this really quick: this is beyond beautiful and you did such an amazing job on this, you make amazing artworks. Do keep up the great job

BetrunkenHirsch responds:

Tysm <3 i took a little break from ng but now im back with more art o.o

Well to be fair I always somehow chuck the cup out the nearest window so there's no shame. All jokes aside this looks great and it's very charming

He seems like a nice guy, anyway cool design and looks great

She's definitely come a long way and came to be an amazing character, I love her. Anyway with that aside I just want to say this looks incredible and you did an amazing job on this

Uhh ok. It's a really nice and quite a charming looking character and I love how it came out, coloring and shading looks great. Keep up the good work

I would just like to say this looks amazing and it's an incredible design, beautiful work (also hope she's ok and can get those stains out)

CerberusSigma responds:

Thank you very much! Nothing a little bleach won't fix xD

These look great and I love the designs, you have a really nice art style by the way. Keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

Simply incredible and you did a great job, keep it up

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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