
1,872 Art Reviews

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Gonna be honest with you but this looks really good and it came out great

Amazing job and you did incredible on this, keep it up

RetroPunkZ responds:

thank you!

I really like these designs and it looks great, do keep up the good job

Looks pretty cool and like the design, just wanted to say that it came out pretty good and I hope you're doing well and you have a good day

Sx1grl responds:

THank you and im doing okay and drawing to expression thenk yuo very much it means alot and many!

Looks good and you did great, keep up the good job

I can understand Jaqui, sometimes I just to have some silence. And I did want to say that these are really good designs and I like your style, this came out great

wethuzz responds:

Oh nice, thanks :D I'm glad you like it!

Sounds good and I just wanted to say that this looks really good and I think you did great on this, your art is really beautiful by the way. Do keep up the great work and hope you have a good day

Indeed and you are the bees knees :P. And if the chance you reply to this, I just wanted to say that you did amazing on this and I love the posing, all your work is incredible and I always enjoy seeing when you post, it's always nice to see this bee :>. You've been working really hard and just want to let you know I'm proud of you, we all are and we're grateful for everything you've done, do make sure to take a break if you ever need to. You're a very talented artist and an amazing person Susie, hope you know that. Please do take care and I hope you have a great day :D

Looks great and cool design

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


Joined on 11/28/20

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