
1,872 Art Reviews

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Gonna be honest this looks beautiful and you did an incredible job on it, really does have the feel to the show, nice work and hope you have a good day

Nice work and honestly Nia is pretty chill, do keep up the good work

I know right, that was my drink. Dumb jokes aside these designs are amazing and I really like the personalities to them, do keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

Wolverine is jealous his claws weren't painted but seriously this looks amazing and I love the design, your art is incredible and I like the style. Hope you have a great day

Pinkisch responds:

Thank you :D

Looks amazing and there's definitely been improvements, nice work and hope you have a nice day

kamira-exe responds:

thank you ;D

I didn't think I'd see the day and if it came out during the GBA era I'm sure it would have been a bestseller, and beautiful work this looks amazing and I can definitely see this as an ending screen

I don't think she's used to people online calling her a cat on the first try (and I just noticed the nametag as I'm typing this) and seriously amazing work she looks incredible and your art is amazing, hope you have a good day

PEIGI1045 responds:

guess the bar for compliments is pretty low in her case since being called a cat is already an achievement xd

going through my old art I wasn't sure if it's worth it to post this one. glad I actually did.
thank you for the feedback! really appreciate it

Awesome and hope you're enjoying it so far and I love the design she looks great, your art is always so incredible. Hope you have a great day

CuteNikeChan responds:

you're so sweet, thank you!! its been really fun so far <3

Nice design and cool art style by the way, and happy birthday hope you have a good one and enjoy some cake

I love it and this looks incredible, you did an amazing job and hope you have a good day

TheMaestroNoob responds:


Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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