
1,872 Art Reviews

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Kinda interested may do this if I have free time, and just wanted to say amazing work on this, it looks great and your art is really beautiful (and hope she can get the stains out of her shirt) do keep up the great work and hope you have a good day

Pinkisch responds:

Thank you very much! I'm glad you like what I do <3

In all honesty this looks incredible and it came out amazing, you did such a great job on this. Your works are great, do keep up the good job

SeiyaOfAbyss responds:


I definitely feel like she would be like this and it's a shame she's not in more mainstream games, she's awesome. Anyway great job, this looks amazing

Regardless I will say it's a cool character design and you did an amazing job on this it looks great and I can how hard you work on this

KingCrowned responds:

Thank you :>

It's actually kinda rare I see gothic style characters so this was a rather nice surprise, it's an amazing design and you did great

That is very kind of you, thank you. And amazing work on this, it's great to see someone with class and who makes art of my favorite Mario character, do keep up the good work

I'm always amazed whenever you post, you're an amazing artist and your works are really beautiful, do keep up the good work and I hope you have a good day

CuteNikeChan responds:

you're so kind wow!! i really appreciate your sweet comment! <3

I love it and it looks amazing, you did great on this

Amazing and I just wanted to say I love the design and it looks great, your art is incredible. Do keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

BlueEspresso responds:

Thank you so much!! And I did have a good day btw- and it just got better :3

I just wanted to say this looks amazing and it's beautiful to say the least

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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