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Dang this is beautiful and it came out amazing, you're really talented and this does make quite a gift. And hope that she may see this, Happy Birthday Sana we miss you and hope you're doing well wherever you may be

SpectacularSphelon responds:

Why thanks for dropping by ry'all! Really appreciate the kind comment!

I really hope they did except...my main twitter acct is very focused on SFW stuffs that I had to make a 2nd TWITTER acct ~ viewership these days are very honestly -rough....


It's a real tragedy... those are some fluffy pancakes and there's no syrup. But seriously I just wanted to say that this came out great and it's a really nice character design, do keep up the good work

Going on an observation of these 2, they got arrested for jaywalking and got in a fight with the person taking their mugshots after calling them short. Lame jokes aside just wanted to say great work as always and this came out really good, I really like your style. Keep up the good job and hope you have a good day

I agree and I'm with these 2, anyway just wanted to say great work on this and I like your style

Dang this is beautiful, hope she'll see it. Do keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

Looks great and I really like your style, do keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

JoeliusNG responds:

Thanks dude, you too!

Looks incredible and it came out great, I really like the style

Looks pretty good and came out great, do keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

I really like the design and coloring came out great, your art is really pretty and you're quite talented. Do keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

Poppey responds:

Thank you so so much!

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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