
1,872 Art Reviews

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Just wanted to take a second to say this looks really nice and your art is beautiful, do keep it up and hope you have a good day

Dang, all her Pokemon fainted and had to resort to fighting herself and still needs to run away. (and I feel the same, looking for a Ralts and all of a sudden I'm running for my life) But for real awesome job this looks really cool and I really like your art style, keep up the good work

Just wanted to say this looks amazing and I can see this reaching front page and do keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

Kekiiro responds:

thank you (: i hope you have a nice day as well

Looks amazing and beautiful work, hope they liked it and happy birthday

Darn right she is and amazing work, I really like how this came out and she looks incredible in your style. Keep it up and hope you have a nice day

Quite the sunburn she got there, lame jokes aside this looks beautiful and you did an amazing job nice work

MaikoXSekai responds:

The dad jokes is what makes the world go round haha.

She seems great and just wanted to say this looks amazing and it's really pretty, nice job and hope you have a nice day

Just wanted to say this looks amazing and it's really beautiful, do keep up the good work and hope you have a great day

I really like her design and just wanted to say I like your style, this is great. Hope you have a nice day

ComiCoal responds:

Ayyy thank ya!!

I'd be happy to, just got to crawl out of bed first and in all seriousness it's actually a really beautiful sight and makes for a nice start especially with some calming music playing. Amazing work, I really like the aesthetic and the background is pretty, it's always nice to see this bee girl and her smile. I love it, keep it up and hope you have an amazing day Susie :D

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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