
1,872 Art Reviews

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Nice and she seems cool, and incredible job this came out really well. Your art is really amazing and talented, do keep it up and hope you have a nice day

Happy Birthday Miku and amazing job this looks great and she's amazing in your style

MonocicloArt responds:

Hello thank you very much! :D
Your praise makes it all worthwhile. Let's celebrate this virtual party!!

Beautiful job this looks great, keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

This looks amazing and you did a great job, your art is really nice. Keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

melissak responds:

thanks You so much (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)

It's a pleasure to see her again and this looks amazing, keep up the good work and hope you have a great day

This looks incredible and the others still look pretty good but I can see you've made quite the improvements since than. Nice job and keep up the good work

I think you did an incredible job and if I had to say it would probably be the sign it has so many cool designs. Do keep up the great work and hope you have a nice day

Damare-Draws responds:

thank you so much for your nice comment!
I hope you have a nice day too! :3

Your works are always so nice and have such a positive message, it's a pleasure to see your art. Keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

Beautiful work I must say, I really like your art style it's amazing. Keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

Awesome design and looks great, keep up the good work

Cereral responds:

thank man!

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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