
1,872 Art Reviews

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One of my favorite starter lines and it's great to see art of them, you did great on these and they came out incredible. Do keep up the good work

NumyPome responds:

thank you so much!

Sometimes it's good just to have no thoughts than bad ones, anyway with that aside just wanted to say that this looks great and you did great job on this

Radiaxal responds:

honestly u make a great point thats prob why the silly stuff works best w sayori. Also thank you very much!

Looks great and you did an incredible job, keep up the good work

That's pretty nice of them, though I can't help but feel a sense of fear as to why. Anyway it's good to see your work, this looks beautiful and you did amazing. I can tell how hard you worked on this, you should be proud. Keep it up and hope you have a good day

Still looks good regardless and you did great, plus there's no shame, it's a pain just trying to figure out a bg in every drawing. Great job on this and keep up the good work

In video game logic it's cool but if someone threw their head at me I'm running as fast as I can from them. Anyway great job on this it looks great

I kinda like to think this was the fight in her home and she decided to go all out this time. Dumb jokes aside I just wanted to say that this looks great and you did a great job on this, I love your art style and you make amazing works. Keep up the good job and hope you have a good day

Me too, though was caught of guard by his horror movie grade scream when I first fought him Anyway awesome job on this, it looks great

Oh thank you -Me just wearing a full suit of armor regardless- Sup? Anyway lames jokes aside I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that this looks really beautiful and you did a great job on this. It's a very pretty character design and I can tell how hard you worked on this. Your art is amazing and looks incredible, you are truly talented and I hope you keep up the good work. Hope you have a nice day :>

SusieHatter responds:

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the compliments 💖 it makes my day when I hear people enjoy the things I draw 🥹

This looks amazing and you did incredible, keep up the good work

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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