
1,872 Art Reviews

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I got a bad feeling she's gonna be ticked. Anyway cool design for this, it looks really cool and love how the background came out

DoctorSpectre responds:

She really hates working, its true... and thank you!

I took a nap for 10 minutes and woke up to this... well she's pretty talented so I'd like to see how this plays out. Anyway great job as always, you did amazing on this

Even after all this time she still looks amazing. Great work on this, you did great

MysticNugget responds:

She does indeed!

Thank you, I appreciate it! :D

In my personal opinion, I didn't really care for much of the Gen 9 but this line was really cool and I took the first opportunity to get a Charcadet, they look really amazing. And just wanted to say that you did great on this and it looks incredible

AstrallumArt responds:

Thank you! Game freak outdid themselves with these designs, tbh i had the same opinions as you until i saw Ceruledge and i knew i just had to get one for myself.

It's been some time since I last seen Monika, good to see artworks of her. And just want to say this looks great and you did incredible

I love it and you did amazing on each of these, and your art is amazing and I like your style. Keep it up and hope you have a good day

MonocicloArt responds:

Hello thank you very much!! :D

This looks beautiful, I can tell how much effort and work was put into it. Keep up the good job

She seems fun, a little scared of her though. Anyway great job on this, you did great

I would like to take a second to say that this does look really nice and you did great on this work, keep up the good job

hummybummy41 responds:

thanks for the compliment!

Looks good and you have a charming style

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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