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Meh not much, anyway you know the way to back to town? But for real this does look pretty good and came out great, keep up the good work

Nice to see other people enjoy her, she's pretty cool. Anyway great job on this, it looks really good

I'm unsure why but this brings back memories of some Halloween style cartoon, I forget the details but this looks awesome and nice job on this

2 things I learned: I'm gonna need to buy another button and she's gonna have to press harder. Anyway dumb jokes to the side I'm very impressed and that this came out incredible, it looks really clean and well done (I tried to animate once but I had no idea what I was doing and came out really sloppy). And seriously Susie: you're doing an incredible job and proud of you, it's good to see how much you're growing and it's no surprise why many people love your work, including myself. I'm sure you'll do amazing on animated works and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do. It's always nice to see your art here and it's a pleasure to see this bee, she's amazing and I'm looking forward to seeing more of her. Do keep up the good work and I hope you have a good day :D

SusieHatter responds:

thank you sooo much! Its always so nice to see your comments here <3 ty for the encouragement, it makes my day :D

Yes I did... and if it's alright, can I get another? But I did want to take a second to tell you that this is really beautiful and it looks incredible, I'm always impressed whenever you upload and it's good to see just how many people love and support your art, including myself. I do genuinely mean it when I say I love your work and I'm sure many other people will agree as to why. You're an amazing artist and just as an amazing person, never forget that. With that said, do take care and I hope you have a great day :D

SusieHatter responds:

Thank you for your appreciation! It gives me motivation to keep putting up stuff online!
Have a great day you too!

I'm gonna be honest but I'm really impressed and it looks beautiful to say the very least, amazing job. Keep it up and hope you have a good day

For some reason my brain started to play calming Spongebob music seeing this, but anyway this does look amazing and it has a really nice aesthetic, keep up the great work and hope you have a good day

Akromaly responds:

Thanks! 💚

Mmmph mmmm mmhmph (Translation: you're not wrong, he's one of the best things of TF2, anyway nice job on this, it looks great)

He was an influence to many people and his world will keep spinning, thank you Edd, we miss you. Anyway amazing job on this, it's incredible

Thanks for the memories, never thought it would be like this but we're gonna miss you. Anyway amazing job, this looks incredible

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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