
1,872 Art Reviews

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Not gonna lie this looks really beautiful and it came out amazing, nice work and hope you have a good day

This is impressive and it looks great, your art is really good. Do keep up the good work and hope you have a nice day

kamira-exe responds:

thanks, i'll give my best ;D

Video game villain design really peaked with Giygas, can't really feel the same with others. Anyway awesome job these look great

I've always loved her design and she's pretty great, she looks amazing in your style. Keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

SlowPumpkins responds:

I love her design too, I'm a fan of the dark magicians I even started to get some cards last year. mostly for a modest collection I'm making.

and thank you so much! I'll be sharing some drawings here and there

I don't really know any other words to say other than this looks amazing and can't wait to see it, and seriously it's great to see your work here I'm always amazed by it and it's a pleasure to see these 2. And glad to see you here man and hope you're doing well, with that said I wish you a great day :>

MelloCaps responds:

Hello hello thank you so so much for your beautiful words..they mean so much to me and keep me pushing further every time I read them..I’m not as active on here as I am my other accounts. I’m gonna be updating more here though! I do hope you enjoy the future projects my friend! 💙

Looks really good and something about this is really charming, nice work

Looks pretty good and nice work

MarieOzo responds:

Thank you!!

It's amazing and it came out great, keep up the good work

hermitpixels424 responds:

Thank you!!

Looks really good and she has a charming design, love the colors in this

Looks cool and nice work

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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