
1,872 Art Reviews

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(Apologies for the late comment, I was browsing on NG and stumbled upon here) I just wanted to take a second to say that this looks amazing and it really does have that relax vibe to it, I really like the design as well it looks great. Do keep up the amazing job and hope you have a good day

bonnytoad responds:

What a thoughtful comment! There's an animated version of this with actual beats to chill to, it's in with my movies. Glad you enjoy the vibes!

Massage was so good someone dropped their drink, anyway lame jokes aside awesome work on this and hope you have a good day

I like it and I really love the design, this came out great. You've done an amazing job, keep up the great work and hope you a good day

She definitely radiates high gremlin energy, anyway awesome job on this and I love her design, I always enjoy getting to read on lore for characters, I wish you luck on your project and hope you have a good day

tobne responds:

Aww thank you so so much!! Just seen this now but gosh, this made my day!!!

This looks awesome and it's a really cool design, love the colors by the. Keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

Kriskull responds:

Thank you sm, I appreciate it!

Nice and I really like the design, also just wanted to say that his came out great and your art is really beautiful, you're very talented. Do keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

octacats responds:

It means so much that you and many others enjoy my work on here! It truly motivates me to keep pushing myself ^-^ If ever interested to work with me, let me know! Have a great day as well!

Dang this looks amazing and it came out great, you're really talented do keep up the good work

Nice and just wanted to say I like your art style, looks cool and keep up the good work

I love it and I just wanted to say that this looks really beautiful and you did an incredible, do keep up the great work

Qweeli responds:

Thank you! I'll try to draw even better

Happy Kings Day to you as well and amazing job on this, it looks great

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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