
1,872 Art Reviews

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Looks pretty good and I really like her design, she looks great. And amazing work, keep up the good job and hope you have a good day

She's definitely gonna become employee of the month and yes, I love pancakes what can I say. But seriously amazing work as always and I can agree, she's pretty cool. Keep up the great work and hope you have a good day

JustAPlagueDoctor responds:

Thanks dude lol! And yeah, she def deserves employee of the month

Very impressive and looks great, your art is really beautiful. Do keep up the amazing work

I ain't gonna lie, this is really cool and I love the style. Keep up the amazing work

Dang this is beautiful, it came out great and she looks pretty good with this style. Your art is amazing, do keep up the good work and hope you have a great day

Amazing work and came out great, keep it up

Gyoyuri responds:

thank you so much will do!

I've always loved Angewomons design and personally she was my favorite from the series. And just wanna say this came out amazing. I love it, this is very beautiful and you really nailed her design, you always make such amazing work. And it's nice to see you again Susie :>, I hope that you're doing well. Do take care and hope you have a great day :D

I love it and it's an amazing outfit design for her since she's a dancer, do keep up the good work and hope you have a good day

Amazing work and this looks great, your art is incredible do keep up the good work

SizzulReal responds:

Thank you for saying~

It's a real annoying feeling, and great work as always. Hope that you're doing well and keep up the good job

Sx1grl responds:

ye loud noises trigger anxeity sadly thank you for understand!

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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