This came out great and looks good in every way, amazing job!
This came out great and looks good in every way, amazing job!
Thank you! :^DD
They fighting? Keep up the great job, your work is amazing
Yes, she got real close to Yuri and she had a bit of a girl crush on Katherine. She was pretty much about to stab Yuri with the knife lol. Thank you again! <3
I know exactly how you feel, it's insane. Other than that this came out great and I love your work
thankyou!! time has taken its course now, i too, bop along.
This looks amazing, I like the angle and coloring in this, great job!
This is really nice, great work and I would totally hang out with her. I swear I'm probably gonna end up drawing her if I keep seeing her
Aye thank ye! I’m glad you like her so much, better get used to seeing her lots :p
She looks pretty chill, all aside I love your work your designs are great
Thank you so much! She probs is chill as fuck
Awesome work, background and lighting look insane
Thanks! I was going to keep this simple and like the last Metroid fanart, went out of control.
Thanks for checking the pic out!
I'm at a loss for words on how beautiful this is, amazing work!
Thank you very much! I'm glad to hear you think so :D
Amazing work, keep up the great job! (so that's what happened to my last slice)
Thank you so much ! ❤
(Yeah sorry about it)
Looks awesome, nice work man!
Thank you!
Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing
Joined on 11/28/20