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Japan is surely incredible and beautiful, amazing job on this it looks great

TreasurePlanet responds:

thank you so much!!

Not gonna lie she's pretty talented to do that with a single spray can, anyway great job as usual and this came out incredible

It's a pleasure to see art of her, this looks amazing. Keep up the great work

JetPandaArt responds:

Thank you so much!

You really did an incredible and beautiful job on this. And I can see why, she was my favorite and I enjoyed the positive energy she always gave, I still miss her and I hope she's doing well. Keep up the great work and hope you have a good day

Mythro responds:

Thanks so much! I miss her, too. She was such a positive influence on the community. It's nice to know she's still in contact with her gen mates, though. Here's hoping she's living her best life :)

She scares me not gonna lie, anyway awesome job on this it looks great

Looks awesome and this is really amazing, do keep up the good work and hope she can see this

Dang this is beautiful, awesome job on this it looks incredible

I can't help but wonder if they're hot running around because that cat suit always looks warm. Anyway great job on this, it looks beautiful

I could really go for a Sprite and some candy right now not gonna lie, and yeah same I have no idea how to do backgrounds. Anyway awesome job on this and looks great, it's a pretty cool design

I was just trying to return your wallet you dropped, but ok I'll go shower. Dumb jokes aside just wanted to say this looks great and you did a great job

Just some guy who likes to doodle in his free time. I have no idea what I'm doing


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